Canvas Integration: Teacher Guide
- Last updated on March 13, 2025 at 8:36 PM
This article provides a guide on accessing the KWL Hub for teachers whose schools already have a Canvas integration.
If your school does not currently have a Canvas integration but is interested in pursuing one, please ask your administrator to contact your Klett Representative for assistance.
Once your Canvas administrator collaborates with the KWL EdTech team to complete the setup, teachers can access the KWL Hub platform directly from within Canvas. Follow the instructions below to get started.
Accessing the KWL Hub via Canvas
1. In Course Navigation, navigate to the Assignments tab.

2. Click on the assignment title "KWL Hub" or "KWL Hub book launch" to launch the platform.
Note: If you do not yet have a launchpoint assignment, contact your school admin. Teachers can also create a launchpoint assignment by following the Optional: Create Assignments section in this article below.
Note: Be sure to click "launch in a new tab" to open the full KWL Hub platform.

3. The KWL Hub platform will open in a new tab/window.
Deeplinking to Assignments
Note that your school Canvas admin should already have created the "KWL Hub Launchpoint assignment" for you during the setup process, following our Canvas Admin Guide. Teachers can create or add their own assignments using the steps below. With the deeplinking feature, teachers can link students directly to KWL Hub assignments.
First, you will create the KWL Hub assignment (assignment you will be linking to via Canvas):
1. Launch your KWL Hub teacher account from your Canvas Launchpoint, as explained at the beginning of this article.
Then, in your teacher account on the Hub, create an assignment. Feel free to follow our guide at the link here if you need help creating an assignment. Remember: be sure to assign it to your desired classes/students!

2. Once you have created the assignment and assigned it to your class, you will see a new icon called "Deep Link."

Click on the "Copy" button to copy the Deep Link: this is a URL that links directly to the assignment. We recommend pasting it into a text editor to ensure you remember it.
Next, create your Canvas assignment and paste the link to the KWL Hub assignment you created earlier:
3. Navigate back to Canvas. Click on Assignments and then on "+Assignment" to start creating your assignment in Canvas.

In the section below, click Find. Search for the "The KWL Hub" tool. Select this tool. (Note that the name "The KWL Hub" may be slightly different depending on your administrator's setup, e.g., "KWL" or "Klett.")

In this section, you can define fields such as the score, groups, how you want the score to be displayed, the due date, and others, just as in any normal Canvas assignment.

Once the assignment is published, it will be visible on the Assignments dashboard.

Next Steps
Instruct your students to log into their course and launch the KWL Hub by using the Canvas Student Guide.